
100 let opere balet Maribor

Promotion Text

100 let opere balet Maribor

Ob koncu praznovanja jubileja mariborske Opere smo arhivsko gradivo ter posnetke aktualnega umetniškega programa združili v zvočno panoramo delovanja Opere SNG Maribor. Na dvojni izdaji se tako prepričljivo predstavijo zbor, orkester in operni solisti, še posebej s tistim repertoarjem, po katerem so najbolj prepoznavni in s katerim so dosegli največje uspehe.

At the very end of the jubilee celebration of the Maribor Opera we combined archival recordings with the most recent ones to create an music  panorama of the history of the institution. On this double edition the chorus, orchestra and opera soloists are presented for your music enjoyment as suitably as possible, especially with their “trademark” repertoire that has proved to be their greatest success.