
Ples v dežju

Artist Tatjana Mihelj
Title Ples v dežju
Release Date Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Genre Pop > Pop
Copyright © Seghos Music Production

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Winning song of the 40th MMS released as single

Slovenian singer Tatjana Mihelj presents her new single “Ples v dežju” (“A Dance in the Rain”), the winning song of the festival Melodije morja in sonca (Melodies of the Sea and the Sun). This July the 40th edition of the popular song contest saw Ples v dežju win almost all awards in the show - in addition to the final victory based on the combined vote of the professional jury, radio stations, and TV audience, the song also won the awards for the best music, lyrics, and performance. Nevertheless, Tatjana emphasizes that this is only the beginning and promises new music projects in the near future.

The 47-year-old New Gorizian has been performing in Slovenia and abroad for several years and saw her first major breakthrough in the TV show The New Star of Slovenia. She made an unforgettable impression as a performer of the legendary Slovenian evergreens (“slovenska popevka”) with a dash of modern interpretation. In her career, Tatjana has performed with numerous and diverse ensembles - from bands to symphony orchestras. Her most popular songs include Dlan okrog srca, Vozi me vlak v daljave, Sivo mesto, Zakaj, and many others.


Slovenska pevka Tatjana Mihelj predstavlja svoj novi singel Ples v dežju, zmagovalno skladbo jubilejnega 40. festivala Melodije morja in sonca. Pesem je na tem priljubljenem tekmovanju prejela praktično vse nagrade - poleg skupne zmage še nagrade strokovne komisije za najboljšo glasbo, najboljše besedilo in najboljšo interpretacijo. Kljub temu Tatjana poudarja, da je to le začetek in v naslednjih mesecih napoveduje nove glasbene projekte in presenečenja.

47-letna Novogoričanka sicer že več let prepeva na različnih odrih v Sloveniji in tujini, pozornost slovenske javnosti pa je pritegnila v oddaji Nova zvezda Slovenije. Odličen vtis je pustila kot izvrstna interpretka legendarnih skladb iz obdobja slovenske popevke, ki jih je obogatila s kančkom sodobne interpretacije. V svoji karieri je nastopala z mnogimi in raznolikimi zasedbami – od bendov do orkestrov. Med njenimi najbolj prepoznavnimi pesmimi so Dlan okrog srca, priredba Vozi me vlak v daljave, Sivo mesto, Zakaj in mnoge druge.


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