
Kick it up Vol 2 Remix - Motivating Music for Spinning® and Indoor Cycling

Artist Sonny Volkert
Title Kick it up Vol 2 Remix - Motivating Music for Spinning® and Indoor Cycling
Release Date Saturday, August 11, 2012
Genre Electronic > Dance > Eurobeat
Copyright © Nice Records

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Kick it up Vol 2 Remix

Die neu gemixten Tracks lassen die Sound kraftvoller erscheinen uns sorgen für eine gesteigerte Motivation beim Training. Wie alle anderen CDs der Kick it up Serie repräsentiert auch diese eine typische Intervallstunde mit Warm-up and Cool-down. Die Tracks decken fpolgende Fahrtechniken ab: Seated Flat, Jumps Flat, Runnings Flat, Seated Climbing, Standing Climbing and Jumps Climbing. The sounds of the remixed tracks ate much more powerful and motivated you to increrase your exercise performance. As all other CDs of the Kick it up series, this one represents again a typical intervall class with warm-up and cool down. The tracks cover the following requences: Seated Flat, Jumps Flat, Runnings Flat, Seated Climbing, Standing Climbing and Jumps Climbing.


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