
Joj joj joj

Artist Mi2
Title Joj joj joj
Release Date Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Genre Rock > Rock > Alternative Rock
Copyright © ZKP RTVSLO

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Mi2 - Joj joj joj

Skladba Joj joj joj skupine Mi2 na ironičen način razgalja realne, potencirane in namišljene strahove sodobnega človeka, zlasti tistega, ki živi na sončni strani Alp. Ter njegovo stisko, nesposobnost in nemoč, da bi se racionalno odzval na izzive in spremembe časa. Pesem je sicer nastala že pred epidemijo, slednja pa je, ob dodanem verzu »maske na lice«, le še poudarila njen aktualni pomen in sporočilnost.

The single Joj joj joj by the group Mi2 ironically reveals the real, potent and imaginary fears of modern man especially those who live on the sunny side of the Alps. And his distress, incapability and inability to respond rationally to the challenges and changes of time. The song has been written before the epidemic and the after added verse "masks on the face" only emphasizes its current meaning and message.

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