
Črno na Belem

Artist Mi2
Title Črno na Belem
Release Date Thursday, April 1, 2021
Genre Rock > Rock > Classic Rock
Copyright © ZKP RTVSLO

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Mi2 - Črno na Belem

Skoraj sedem let po izdaji nadvse uspešnega studijskega albuma Čista jeba se Mi2 vračajo z novim studijskim izdelkom, poimenovanim Črno na Belem. Plošča vsebuje 11 novih avtorskih skladb. Vsebinsko se album navezuje na prejšnje izdaje skupine. Na njem ne manjka udarnih kitar in močnih ritmov, kakor tudi ne nežnih tonov in igrivih melodij. Spet je prisotna dobra doza značilnega Mi2 humorja, prgišče nostalgije in ljubezni pa seveda odkritih sporočil o času, v katerem živimo. Mi2 si glede tega nikoli niso zatiskali ušes in oči. Ko pobožajo, naredijo to z občutkom. Ko udarijo, udarec zaboli. Tudi zato omenjeni naslov albuma.

Almost seven years after the release of the hugely successful studio album Čista jeba, the group Mi2 is back with a new studio product called Črno na belem. The album contains 11 new original songs. The content of the album follows previous releases of the groups. There are loud guitars and hard rhythms as well as gentle tones and playful melodies. There is a good dose of typical Mi2 humor a handful of nostalgia and love and of course honest messages about the time in which we live in. Mi2 never closed their ears and eyes in this regard. When they caress, they do so with feeling. When they strike the blow hurts. This is why the album is entitled Črno na belem (Black on White).


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