
Never Ever Lover

Artist Lovv Pran Mehta feat. tAkE
Title Never Ever Lover
Release Date Monday, March 6, 2023
Genre Pop > Pop
Copyright © Lovv Pran Mehta
Country INDIA

Promotion Text

Never ever Lover

"Never ever Lover" is a song that tells the story of a strong, independent woman who is not willing to settle for a relationship that is not serious. The song speaks to the idea that some people may be content with a casual fling or a non-committal relationship, but for this woman, love is something that should be taken seriously and with commitment.

The lyrics describe the woman's feelings and emotions as she navigates the dating world, and the challenges she faces when it comes to finding a partner who shares her values and beliefs about love. She refuses to be with someone who is not fully invested in the relationship, and she makes it clear that she will not settle for anything less than true love and commitment.

Musically, "Never ever Lover" is an upbeat and catchy pop song with a driving beat and a memorable chorus. The instrumentation is lively and energetic, with a mix of electronic and acoustic sounds that create a fun and playful vibe. The vocals are strong and powerful, reflecting the determination and confidence of the song's protagonist as she stands up for herself and her beliefs.

Overall, "Never ever Lover" is a song that celebrates the idea of true love and commitment, and encourages listeners to value and respect themselves enough to only accept relationships that are serious and meaningful.
