
Youth - Beethoven: Sonatas for Violin and Piano Nos. 1 - 3

Artist Lana Trotovšek / Maria Canyigueral
Title Youth - Beethoven: Sonatas for Violin and Piano Nos. 1 - 3
Release Date Monday, September 6, 2021
Genre Classical > Chamber Music
Composer Ludwig van Beethoven
Songwriter Instrumental
Copyright © ZKP RTVSLO

Promotion Text

Lana Trotovšek, Maria Canyigueral YOUTH - BEETHOVEN - VIOLIN SONATAS NOS. 1 - 3

Violinistka Lana Trotovšek in pianistka Maria Canyigueral predstavljata deset sonat za violino in klavir Ludwiga van Beethovna na štirih albumih. Posnetki so nastali na koncertih v okviru poletnega 68. Festivala Ljubljana ter 250. obletnici skladateljevega rojstva, za katere je Lana Trotovšek prejela nagrado Prešernovega sklada. Album Mladost vključuje tri violinske sonate iz Beethovnovega zgodnjega obdobja, posvečene skladateljevemu učitelju Antoniu Salieriu. Pomlad povezuje skladateljevo največkrat izvedeno Violinsko sonato št. 5 Pomladno z redkeje slišano, vendar očarljivo, sonato št. 6 ter živahno osmo. Zgoščenka Kreutzer predstavlja Beethovnovo monumentalno violinsko sonato št. 9 Kreutzer, ki še danes velja za eno izmed najbolj zahtevnih del za violino in klavir. Spremlja jo nenavadna, vendar prikupna, sonata št. 4. Na albumu Nesmrtna glasbenici predstavljata dramatično ter herojsko sedmo sonato skupaj s sonato iz skladateljevega poznega obdobja št. 10, napisano leta 1812 za violinista Pierra Rodeja in posvečeno avstrijskemu vojvodi Rudolfu, Beethovnovemu najpomembnejšemu mecenu.
“Beethovnove violinske sonate predstavljajo višek komorne igre za violino in klavir. Na pot osvajanja vseh deset sonat sva se s pianistko podali pred tremi leti in z njimi večkrat nastopali pred koncerti na Festivalu Ljubljana, med drugim tudi v Londonskemu Wigmore Hallu. Albumi torej predstavljajo sad večletne predanosti tej mogočni glasbi ter skupnemu muziciranju,“ pravi Lana Trotovšek.

Violinist Lana Trotovšek and pianist Maria Canyigueral are presenting the complete sonatas for violin and piano by Ludwig van Beethoven in four releases. Recorded live at the 68th Ljubljana Summer Festival, those concerts were a part of commemoration for the 250th anniversary of the composer's birth. Lana Trotovšek was awarded the Prešeren Fund Award for the performances. The first release, named "Youth", includes three violin sonatas from Beethoven's early period, dedicated to the composer's teacher Antonio Salieri. “Spring”, the second release, connects the composer's most frequently performed Violin Sonata No. 5 - “Spring” with the less known but enchanting sonata No. 6 and the lively 8th. The third release "Kreutzer", presents Beethoven's monumental violin sonata No. 9 - "Kreutzer", still considered as one of the most demanding works for violin and piano. It is accompanied by an unusual but charming sonata no. 4. "Immortal", the fourth release, presents the dramatic and heroic sonata No. 7 with sonata No. 10, from the composer's late period, written in 1812 for violinist Pierre Rode and dedicated to the Archduke Rudolf of Austria, Beethoven's most important patron.
“The Beethoven Violin Sonatas represent the pinnacle of chamber music for violin and piano. The pianist and I began to conquering all ten sonatas three years ago and performed them several times before performing and recording them at the Ljubljana Festival, including the Wigmore Hall. These releases are the result of years of dedication to this repertoire and making music together.,” describes Lana Trotovšek.