

Artist Katice
Title Katice
Release Date Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Genre Folk > Traditional Folk
Copyright © Založba Obzorja d.d., Maribor

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Pred nami je album ženske vokalne skupine Katice v sodelovanju z Magnificom.

Katice so pevska skupina, sestavljena iz deklet in žena. Prepevajo ljudske pesmi vseh slovenskih pokrajin.Doma so v Sloveniji, mali deželi na sončni strani Alp. Razdalje od severa do juga, od vzhoda do zahoda so kratke. Pa vendar, kot pravi pesnik: "Nikjer ni v malem toliko velikega. Nikjer ni toliko skladnih nasprotij. Nikjer ni toliko različnih raznoterosti." Raznoliko in pestro je tudi ljudsko izročilo. Vplive sosednjih kultur smo Slovenci na svojevrsten način prilagodili svoji duši. Znani smo kot dobri pevci, ki radi zapojemo ob vsaki priložnosti. Slovenska ljudska pesem je preprosta in večinoma dvoglasna, v nekaterih pokrajinah pa še vedno znajo zapeti tudi tri-, štiri- in petglasno. Ljudsko večglasno petje ne nastane zaradi nizanja akordov, marveč ob sozvočju glasov, ki imajo vsak svojo "vižo". Za ljudsko petje je značilno, da začne eden od pevcev peti naprej, ostali glasovi pa se postopno vključujejo.Kadar Katice zapojejo, skušajo čimbolj ujeti vzdušje in različnost slovenske pesmi. Tokrat so v pesmi vpletle zgodbo o ljubezni. Ta je včasih žalostna in nesrečna, drugič spet veselo rzposajena. Včash je to iskrica v očeh, drugič poročni venček v laseh. Kot nežna cvetlica dehti ljubezen v ljudeh, kot nekoč, tako še danes.Katice so: Alenka Trampuš Bakija, Anita Peceli, Barbara Povše Golob, Darinka Borštnik, Karmen Rus, Katarina Šetinc, Manca Habjanič Gaberšek, Marjana Cešek, Naja Zapušek, Nataša Kosmač, Polona Čeh in Tina Trampuš.Katice are a vocal group girl. We sing traditional folk songs from different Slovene regions.Katice are from Slovenia, a small country on the sunny side of the Alps. The distances from north to south, east to west are small. However, like the poet said, "there isn't anywhere in such a small place, so many beautiful things, there is nowhere that such opposites are so compatible and nowhere are such beautiful differences." These differences are also in our national tradition. We Slovenes have adopted the influences of our neighboring cultures in our souls. We are known as good singers and like to sing at every occasion. Slovene folk songs are simple and mostly in two voices, remarkably, in some regions they are still sung in threee, four or even five voices. This popular multivoiced singing doesn't exist because of stringing together of accords, on the contrary, the unison of voices, with each having its own melody. For these songs the special characteristic is that one of the singers begin, with the remaining voices progressively including themselves.When Katice sing, we try as much as possible to capture the spirit and differences of Slovene songs. This time we are singing about love. This is sometimes sad and unhappy, other times joyful and fun. Sometimes it's a sparkle in the eye, other times a wedding wreath in the hair. We all have this love inside us. A beautiful, gentle love, as beautiful as a gentle flower. This was true in the past, and thankfully still is today.

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