
Close to you

Artist Haryo Sedhono Group
Title Close to you
Release Date Monday, February 27, 2012
Genre Jazz > Swing
Copyright © Bogner

Promotion Text


THANK YOU I would like to thank my wife and partner Vera for her unconditional love, her trust, her wisdom, her sense of humour. My deepest gratitude goes out to my mother Srie for her love,  musicality and wit, my brother Wahyu for his continuous support, creativity and inspiration, and my father Sedhono for his jazz addiction, his talents he passed on to me and for just being himself (we all miss you). And of course, thank you to Sheila Jordan, my musical Godmother who kept telling me I should go out there and sing and who blessed me with her warmth and love. “Big hugs & Dankeschön” to  Sven (my musical collaborator and genius partner in crime!!!), Christoph (your enthusiasm always makes my day – “unfassbar!”), Stefan (what an honour to have you on board!), Pablo (gracias por todo – me faltan las palabras, un abrazo!), Jan (your playing gives me goose bumps!), Buck (thank you, gracias, obrigado!), Ryan, Stefan, Sabine, Horst, Christina Erben, Georg Lommetz and Onkel Wiwi. Thank you Oliver, Cindy and everyone at Wunderbar Records!

Management / Booking

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