
Floating sand

Artist DrummingCellist / Big Band RTV Slovenija
Title Floating sand
Release Date Thursday, December 23, 2021
Genre Jazz > Instrumental
Copyright © ZKP RTVSLO

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DrummingCellist / Big Band RTV Slovenija - Floating sand

DrummingCellist Kristijan Krajnčan je z Big Bandom RTV Slovenija pod taktirko in v aranžmaju Lojzeta Krajnčana nadgradil svoj solo album Abraxas. Rodil se je Floating Sand. „Po mojem solo albumu Abraxas sva z očetom Lojzetom dobila idejo, da bi skladbe nadgradila in izvedla z Big Bandom RTV Slovenija. Lojze se je lotil aranžmajev, veliko sva se pogovarjala o pomenu in zvoku posameznih skladb, ki so navdih črpale iz mitoloških zgodb. Nastal je presek dveh svetov dveh generacij, katerih skupna vrednota je ljubezen do glasbe in kreativnosti.“ album opisuje Kristijan.

The album Floating Sand by DrummingCellist Kristijan Krajnčan and the RTV Slovenia Big Band under the baton and in the arrangement of Lojze Krajnčan is an upgrade of Kristijan's solo album Abraxas. “After my solo album “Abraxas”, my father Lojze and I had the idea of developing the compositions further and performing them with the RTV Slovenia Big Band. Lojze took care of the arrangements. Together, we spent a lot of time discussing the meaning and sound of the individual compositions, which were inspired by mythological stories. There emerged an intersection of two worlds of two generations, whose common value is a love of music and creativity,” describes the album Kristijan.