
A folyamat zajlik...

Artist Depresszió
Title A folyamat zajlik...
Release Date Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Genre Rock > Metal > Nu Metal
Copyright © EDGE Records (HMR Music Kft.)

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New album of the most popular Hungarian modern metal band

best selling and most popular hungarian modern rock / metal band* 7th studio album with 11 brand new songs* headliner tours all over Hungary with sold out clubs with Road, Subscribe and more * played on Sziget, Hegyalja, Volt, Rockmaraton, EFOTT, and a lot more in Hungary and neighbour countires * shared the stage: Marilyn Manson, Soulfly, Korn, Slayer, Deftones, Clawfinger, Fear Factory, Ignite and a lot more during the years a direct support or co headliner on several festivals and events * for fans of (international) Korn, Slipknot, Machine Head, etc (local) Tankcsapda, Road Members: Ferenc Halász - vocals Ádám Hartmann - guitar Dávid Nagy - drums Zoltán Kovács - bass Miklós Pálffy ‘Soda’ - sampler, keyboards, vocals


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