
Paradise Is Now

Artist Bettina Meske
Title Paradise Is Now
Release Date Friday, December 22, 2023
Genre Jazz > Vocal Jazz
Copyright © BMRecords

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Bettina Meske releases new album "Paradise Is Now" on 22th of December 2023

New Album „Bettina Meske - Paradise Is Now“ out on 22th of December 2023

Releasing my album „Made in Berlin“ openend many doors and created wonderful new contacts and lead to fantastic artistic cooperations. I was lucky to really fulfill some of my artistic dreams and I  had the happiest of times writing and  recording my songs for a new album. 
So much time, love and passion was invested in the production and I am very grateful for the heartfelt support and enthusiamn for my music from all the artistic partners involved. 
When the album was finished I chose the title „Paradise Is Now“, 
and then time hit us all in an unforgettable way.
I lost loved ones, dear friends and important mentors and I had to find a way to live through the grief of all the losses.
That took its own time, and for quite a while I was wondering if „Paradise Is Now“  is something that  should still be  released  into such a  changed world.
With time I came to the conclusion that the album was written and produced  with so much love and passion, it had fulfilled dreams in the making and it reflects the art and creativity of my fantastic musicians and  of the masters and featured artists involved, so that all of that joy isn’t lost but rather preserved and so it gives even more reason to celebrate life with my music.
„Paradise Is Now“ holds fourteen different songs, you’ll hear my heart beating for Jazz and Swing, you‘ll find my love for Pop and Soul and there are some little songs that I hope can make the  world just for a moment a little bit better.
I wrote all songs before the unspeakable years, but in a way they get new meaning to me now.
I want to be optimistic about every new day.  
With releasing the album „Paradise is Now“ I celebrate my loved ones, my dear friends and mentors that went ahead. I will never forget you. 

With gratitude    Bettina

Veröffentlichung neues Album „Bettina Meske - Paradise Is Now“ am 22.Dezember 2023

Mein letztes Album „Made in Berlin“ hat mir nach der erfolgreichen Veröffentlichung viele Türen geöffnet und mir neue künstlerische Kontakte beschert und zu vielen großartigen künstlerischen Kooperationen geführt.
Ich hatte das Glück mir langgehegte künstlerische Träume zu erfüllen und habe sehr beglückende Zeit beim Schreiben und Produzieren meiner  Songs für ein neues Album  im Studio verbracht.
Viel Zeit und Liebe wurde in die Songs investiert und ich bin sehr dankbar, dass mich alle beteiligten Künstler dabei so von Herzen und voller Begeisterung unterstützt haben.
Als das Album fertiggestellt war, wählte ich den Titel „Paradise Is Now“ -
und dann hat die Zeit uns allen so unvergesslich zugesetzt.
Ich habe den liebsten Menschen, liebe Freunde und wichtige Mentoren verloren und  ich musste Wege finden die Trauer zu durchleben und mit diesen Verlusten umzugehen.
Das dauerte seine Zeit und ich war nichteinmal mehr sicher, ob „Paradise Is Now“ in die so veränderte Welt gehört.


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