

Artist Andreas Baaden
Title Home
Release Date Thursday, March 19, 2020
Genre Electronic > Dance > Ambient
Copyright © Andreas Baaden

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Turn into a quiet back road: "Home" by Andreas Baaden

People need tranquility, safety, comfort. We want to calm down from the fast-paced activity of modern lifestyles. Turn into a quiet back road where we can gather new experiences beyond the mainstream. We love to undertake imaginary voyages to future worlds and see how life will be in 3723, or just do nothing the whole lonely day, just letting ourselves go. These are the stories the nine tracks on Andreas Baaden’s new album “Home” tell us. It is quieter, but also more experimental than the previous albums. On the title track "Home" two melodies are playing with each other without any loud basses and drums - a calm you can look forward to.

The album is also available on CD at Mellowjet Records here: https://www.mellowjet.de/andreas-baaden-c-65_169


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