Artist | Akwa Dons |
Title | Criminals |
Release Date | Tuesday, May 26, 2020 |
Genre | Vocal |
Copyright | © Sugilite Records |
Promotion Text
Criminals-Akwa Dons
Criminals is another single brought to you by Sugilite records from the amazing duo who just happen to be brothers coming out of Benin Nigeria U C and SirJoe are their names and they are a power house musically , they are both multy instrumentalist as well as delivering incredible vocals in every sense of the word , you can hear their amazing lead vocals on the track as well as their distinctive harmonies which so far i find totally unique and deffinitely original . Of course one would say i am biased and i will accept that critique as it's true , but that cannot take anything away from their incredible ability and energy they are able to deliver on everything they do musically . Criminals is a very powerful song dealing with an age old problem but none the less relevant as much as ever because it's a deep rooted problem that still runs society everywhere GREED & CROOKEDNESS , it might be more prevalent in some places but corrupt politicians are everywhere . Akwa Dons are shouting out about their society but i know everywhere people will and can relate to every word they hear one way or another . It's a great honour and joy to work with these two brothers and bring their music to the worl's stage so please go out and get your copies of Criminals you wont be dissapointed in any way . We appreciate any feedback from you guys favourable or not , there's a lot more coming from these brothers including an album later this year , be safe during these times and let the music set you free . Namaste Primitive