

Artist Komorni godalni orkester Slovenske filharmonije / Igor Mitrović / Petar Brčarević / Luka Juhart
Title Divertimenti
Release Date Monday, October 7, 2019
Genre Classical > Chamber Music
Composers Nina Šenk, Vito Žuraj, Matej Bonin, Tomaž Bajželj
Songwriter Instrumental
Copyright © ZKP RTVSLO

Promotion Text

DIVERTIMENTI - Komorni godalni orkester Slovenske Filharmonije

Izvajanje slovenskih glasbenih del in spodbujanje nastanka novih skladb za komorni godalni sestav je eno temeljnih poslanstev Komornega godalnega orkestra Slovenske filharmonije. V petindvajsetih letih delovanja je ansambel izvedel večji del repertoarja slovenskih avtorjev in naročil več kot petdeset novih skladb domačim in tujim skladateljem. Skladbe, katerih posnetki so objavljeni na zgoščenki »Divertimenti«, so nastale po naročilu ansambla za ciklus Sozvočje svetov, ki ga že osemnajst let prirejamo v sodelovanju z Narodno galerijo v Ljubljani. Ciklus Sozvočje svetov XV, v okviru katerega smo skladbe izvedli, smo podnaslovili »Divertimenti«. Namen ciklusa je bil namreč, da skušajo ob klasičnih delih tega žanra tudi sodobni avtorji z novimi glasbenimi deli poslušalce in izvajalce razvedriti. Tako so nastale skladbe Overhead Vita Žuraja, ki domiselno in šaljivo zvočno upodobi preganjanje nadležnega komarja, Kontra Bas Tomaža Bajžlja, ki inventivno uporablja različne izrazne tehnike solističnega kontrabasa, Capriccio Nine Šenk, ki skladbi z virtuoznostjo solističnega violončela in ritmom valčka doda pridih šaljivosti, ter Divertilamento Mateja Bonina, ki kot gonilo razvoja skladbe uporabi kontrast med veselim in žalujočim čustvenim razpoloženjem. Nastanek skladb je v celoti finančno podprla glasbena fundacija Ernst von Siemens, za kar se ji zahvaljujemo.
Klemen Hvala

Performing Slovenian compositions and encouraging the creation of new works for chamber string ensembles is central to the mission of the Slovenian Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra. During the twenty-five years of its operation, the ensemble has performed most of the repertoire of Slovenian composers and commissioned more than fifty new compositions from domestic and foreign composers. The works presented on the present CD, entitled “Divertimenti”, were created on commissions from the ensemble for the concert cycle Harmony of the Spheres, which we have been organising for eighteen years in cooperation with the National Gallery in Ljubljana. The cycle Harmony of the Spheres XV, within which the present compositions were performed, was subtitled “Divertimenti”, as its purpose was to try to entertain, or “divert”, listeners and performers with contemporary musical works alongside classical pieces of this genre. This gave rise to the compositions Overhead by Vito Žuraj, who imaginatively and humorously gives a sonic portrayal of chasing away an annoying mosquito, Kontra Bas by Tomaž Bajželj, who inventively exploits various expressive techniques of the solo contrabass, Capriccio by Nina Šenk, who adds a touch of humour to the composition with the virtuosity of the solo cello and the rhythm of a waltz, and Divertilamento by Matej Bonin, who explores the contrast between a happy and mournful emotional mood as the driving force of the composition. The creation of the compositions was entirely financially supported by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, to which we would like to extend our sincere gratitude.
Klemen Hvala

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