
The Kinks of Inconvenience

Artist Trond K & The Serious Issues
Title The Kinks of Inconvenience
Release Date Saturday, December 24, 2011
Genre Alternative > Alternative Country
Copyright © Ein Mangfaldig Kar
Country SWEDEN

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The Kinks of Inconvenience, a tour the force of loss and failure

Trond K. is morbidly depressed. Stupidly happy. Unnecessarily cruel. Incredibly kind. Curious about things, great & small. Has a numbskull's approach to love and women. Hates cowardice, loves courage. Thinks of himself often as a coward, is more often a lion. Thinks dark, but behaves light. Thinks, drinks and laughs too much. Is a lover of life, but drawn eternally towards death's grim door. Writes songs that perfectly allign, almost astronomically so, with his character traits. His funny, fucked up, furious sides often wrestles with his beautious melodic orchpop-symphonettas for space and lebensraum. His Serious Issues help him deliever these in style, with crazy determination and soulscorching beauty. Scarred, scared and more than a little bonkers.


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